For your complete safety and reassurance…
My professional training & qualifications.
- First class BSc (Hons) Degree awarded in Phytotherapy (Herbal Medicine)
- University of Wales and College of Phytotherapy
- Further details below
2008 Dip BER
- Food Intolerance/Sensitivity: training & testing
- Stan Richardson, Halifax
- I have also trained in Reflexology, Reiki & PsychK
- Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH) – National Institute of Medical Herbalists
- Professional liability insurance provided by Balens Ltd
- GDPR compliant and ICO registered
- Professional Medical Herbalist training
- 500 hours supervised clinical practice
- Physical examination technique
- Learning the therapeutic properties of herbs and how to examine and interpret research
- Pharmacology of herbal medicine and pharmaceutical drugs – how they are metabolised, work and interact in the body, alone or with one another
- Human nutrition and diet
- How to interpret conventional medical test results
- Biology, Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology
- Biochemistry
- Medicine, extensive study of disease in detail and differential diagnosis from clinical signs
- Horticulture, Botany & Pharmacognosy
- How to objectively examine and interpret professional research
I’m committed to continuing my professional development and avidly read/research to keep up to date; some of the areas I have attended seminars/training for post-graduation are:
- Energetic medicine (Culpeper, Humoral constitutions and temperaments, Ayurveda, Unani-Tibb)
- Herbal Medicine history
- Posology – determination of dosages
- Tongue diagnosis
- Integrative cancer and degenerative disease support
- Microbiome and Inflammation
- Case history examinations
- Iridology introductions
- Distillation
During my time in practice, I have seen patients experiencing symptoms associated with the following conditions:
- Skin problems including eczema, acne and psoriasis
- Menstrual disturbances, period pains, polycystic ovarian syndrome and infertility
- Menopause
- Cystitis and thrush
- Prostate problems
- Allergy and food intolerance
- Anxiety, stress, depression and insomnia
- Asthma, hay fever and bronchitis
- Recurrent coughs and colds
- Auto-immune diseases
- Digestive problems such as indigestion, ulcers, colitis, IBS, constipation and diarrhoea
- M.E and chronic fatigue
- Arthritis, gout, muscle and joint pain
- High blood pressure, angina and varicose veins
- Verrucas & warts
- Weight problems