Food intolerance testing has to be about more than a list of things to avoid. What you need is solid, sound advice with nutrition and practicality considered.
Most commonly seen conditions include those involving the skin, digestive system, rheumatic aches, migraines, headaches and general fatigue.
My herbalist training means I understand how the body works in both health and disease. In turn, I understand the interaction between the different organs in the body and the development of certain food intolerances. Training with the Mora machine and my many years of experience enable me to give you constructive and safe advice.
How the Food Intolerance Test works
A testing kit will be sent to you to perform a simple skin prick procedure. This rates the intolerances in severity from 1-5 (full instructions given). Once the test has been done, you simply post it to the lab directly.
Once the results have been received (using about 3-4 working days), we then schedule a Zoom call or in-person appointment. This service costs £215 and needs to be paid for in advance. The lab test detects food intolerances by measuring IgG antibody reactions using the ELISA method. A globally established technique for laboratory analysis that is over 40 years old, universally accepted as reliable and trustworthy. The service is based upon testing for IgG antibodies and the assertion that a positive result indicates a trigger food that causes an inflammatory response leading to a symptom.
During our consultation, there will be an opportunity to discuss the results and for me to provide some tips and ideas on how to best manage your intolerances.