Many of us are eager to see the sunshine appearing through the dark clouds of winter. It’s a welcome break when the bulbs start to sprout and once again, the ground is covered in wonderful vibrant flowers, and the blossom starts to appear on the trees. However, for those who suffer from Hayfever, Spring and Summer are accompanied by the dread of sneezing, itchy and watery eyes and that awful feeling of congestion. [Read more…] about Herbs and Hayfever – The Natural Option
german chamomile
Pregnancy and Herbal Medicine
Time and again I am asked if Herbal Medicine can help in pregnancy. However, all too often I am asked far too late. The usual enquiry is for Rubus idaeus (raspberry leaf) tea – but if I’m honest (and I usually am!!) to start drinking this a couple of days before your due date will have little or no effect on the birth. (More about this later though!) [Read more…] about Pregnancy and Herbal Medicine
Allergy Epidemic?
Herbal Medicine Can Often Help
Allergies, intolerances or hypersensitivities are big news lately. It is reported that never before have so many people been sensitive to environmental and food allergens. If you, or someone you know, suffers from hayfever, rhinitis (hayfever-like symptoms all year round), persistent cough, itchy throat, skin problems (including persistent nappy rash), digestive or appetite disturbances, asthma, itchy eyes, thrush or recurrent infections you may have become ‘hypersensitive’. [Read more…] about Allergy Epidemic?